Middle-aged woman touching left cheek with hand.

Signs of ageing – Loss of density

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The process of general skin ageing starts to affect the way skin looks and feels from around the age of 25. From this point on, the systems that keep skin at optimum health begin to slow down, and the substances that give skin its youthful look are produced to a lesser extent, causing signs that are visible from the outside. A loss of density is one of these, along with loss of volume and wrinkles. The causes of general skin ageing are two-fold. The internal, intrinsic causes are predetermined by our genetics and chronological age and cannot be stopped, however the external factors are linked to lifestyle and can be influenced positively through a holistic approach to prevention.



Signs & Symptoms

General skin ageing occurs in specific layers of the skin:

Skin cake of ageing skin
The skin is made up of layers, the uppermost being the epidermis. Each one ages in a different way.

Epidermal layers

  • Changes: Slower cell turnover, reduced lipid production.
  • Outward signs: Rougher, drier texture with fine lines and wrinkles. More sensitive to UV light, less efficient healing process and more open to infection.

Dermal layers

  • Changes: 1% annual decrease in collagen and a decline in elastin levels. Reduced blood flow.
  • Outward signs: A less elastic skin that’s more likely to become damaged and is more prone to wrinkles. Loss of density. Decrease in the rosy glow associated with young skin.

Sub dermal layers

  • Changes: A decrease in both size and number of lipid cells.
  • Outward signs: A loss of volume, deeper wrinkles and hollow cheeks. Impaired wound healing.

How to identify a loss of density

Young woman is pulling her right cheek.
The loss of density makes the skin feel less resilient.

A loss of density tends to affect women especially around and after the menopause. The skin changes and needs more help during this life stage. It’s common to find that the skin feels less resilient. This is often combined with deeper wrinkles and a reduction in radiance.

A loss of density shows itself on the surface in three key ways:

  • Thinner skin. Facial skin appears less elastic and may start to sag.
  • Deeper wrinkles. As the skin loses the ability to hold its shape, wrinkles become deeper.
  • Skin tends to be paler and duller.

Causes And Triggers

Why does this happen to our skin?

A loss of density is to some extent inevitable and is part of general skin ageing. This particular concern is partly the result of intrinsic, internal such as hormonal changes, chronological skin ageing and its effect on the skin’s structure.

Graphic presentation of skin structure in young skin.
In young skin, dense, deep papillae efficiently provide the upper layer of the skin with nutrients, moisture and oxygen.
Graphic presentation of skin structure in older skin.
In older skin, the papillae decrease in density and number. The result is a less efficient system, resulting in a loss of radiance and resilience.

As we age, the junction between the upper and middle layers of our skin (the epidermis and the dermis) changes. This junction is made up of papillaes. Vessels which lay in the center of each papillae supply the top layer of skin with the nutrients, moisture and oxygen it needs. In younger skin, these are deep and close together. This gives young skin its thickness and smooth texture.

As we get older, the papillae get shallower and become reduced in number. This results in a less flexible, less elastic skin structure and with more wrinkles.

With time, collagen and elastin production also slows, causing a reduction of the substances that make skin elastic.

This makes wrinkles much more likely. Finally, the efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the upper layer of the skin slows with age. It is this slowing down that results in a duller, paler complexion.


There are some other factors, both internal and external, that are particularly relevant to a loss of density and radiance:

Middle-aged woman´s face.
A declining number of Estrogens may lead to an increase in inflammation and may worsen skin conditions such as rosacea.
Woman protecting her eyes from sun with her right hand.
The sun dramatically speeds up the ageing process.

Hormonal changes
As hormonal activity slows, so do some of the processes within the skin. The production of connective tissue is one of them. This means that after the menopause, there are less of the substances produced that give young skin its dense structure and smooth texture. These include Hyaluronic Acid, collagen and elastin. The result is a less substantial look and feel to the skin. 

The effects of sun
The primary cause of oxidative stress, the effects of the sun, weaken the skin’s structure and compound the problem. As a result a loss of density and radiance is more noticeable. This can happen alongside an uneven complexion, age spots and skin dryness. Protecting the skin daily from this UV damage with an appropriate SPF product will slow this process, and will also help to prevent the formation of wrinkles and a loss of volume occurring.

The chemicals present in cigarettes have a degrading effect on the collagen and elastin via the process of oxidative stress. Smoking accelerates all elements of skin ageing, including wrinkles and loss of volume.


How to restore density and radiance to the skin

A loss of density can be managed using skincare products alone, or together with more invasive treatments.

Skin care products helping to restore density and radiance can contain the following active ingredients.

Invasive treatments

These treatments should only be carried out by a qualified professional in a clinical environment.

Active ingredients

Woman applying cream on her face.
Applying formulas with active ingredients, such as Antioxidants, Arctiin and Apiaceae-Peptides can help the skin to protect itself and slow ageing processes.
Woman applying Eucerin product on her left cheek.
For optimum and visible effects it is recommended to use the whole Eucerin DermoDENSIFYER range.

  • Antioxidants
    As general skin ageing is partly caused by oxidative stress, applying antioxidants topically can help the skin to protect itself. This can slow the processes that lead to loss of density and radiance as well as other signs of ageing like loss of volume and wrinkles.

  • Arctiin
    is a plant extract from the burdock fruit that stimulates the repair of skin cells, helping mature skin that has been thinned by ageing and hormonal changes, to become tighter. Arctiin is a key ingredient in Eucerin DermoDENSIFYER range.

  • Apiaceae-Peptides
    helps mature skin to regenerate itself by speeding up the processes that strengthen the structure for improved resilience and buoyancy. Apiaceae-Peptides are part of the formula for Eucerin DermoDENSIFYER range.

Woman getting a facial chemical peel.
The aim of a chemical peel is to positively change the texture of the skin by removing damaged layers.
Woman getting a facial laser therapy.
Laser resurfacing also removes damaged layers, while stimulating the growth of collagen.

Chemical peels
Glycolic or lactic acid peels aim to improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing the damaged outer layers. A peel can also help to increase the density and thickness of the skin by promoting collagen synthesis. As dermatological peels leave the skin vulnerable to damage, an SPF protection product like Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+ is strongly recommended.

Laser resurfacing
A laser is used to remove the outer layers of the skin on the face and stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers. As the area heals, the skin thickens and density is improved. However the skin is left exposed to the environment and use of an SPF product like Eucerin Sun Fluid 50+ is essential.

Moreover a loss of density and radiance can be slowed with a holistic approach to prevention.

Our brand values

Pioneers in skincare

We deliver a holistic dermo-cosmetic approach to protect your skin, keep it healthy and radiant.

Committed to innovation

For over 100 years, we have dedicated ourselves to researching and innovating in the field of skin science. We believe in creating active ingredients and soothing formulas with high tolerability that work to help you live your life better each day.

Recommended by dermatologists

We work together with leading dermatologist and pharmacist partners around the world to create innovative and effective skincare products they can trust and recommend.